Who we are
Founded in 2004
TEKYHOST(AB RoyalNet inc) has a dedicated team of hard-working people who know a great deal about Information Technology and how it can be used to make business most efficient. Our talented personal stays updated with training and current trends in IT industry. Our staff gets the best training available, and has the creative and strategic know-how to create strong secure solutions for our customers. We hold most valuable IT certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect.
We are specializing in Linux and Open Source Consulting as well as security consulting for Open Source. Our mission is to develop and provide secure, accessible, manageable solutions, hosted IT infrastructure solutions and services to virtually any size company, through placing the focus on maintaining the permanent highest level of reliability and quality for optimal price. We are security oriented and provide one of the most secured managed solutions for our clients.

AB Royalnet Inc. is a private, family owned corporation founded in 2004. AB Royalnet Inc. is based in Toronto, Ontario, which has become one of the fastest growing IT communities. Since its foundation, TEKYHOST provided R & D and communication consulting services to customers in Canada and US. From 2007 under the business name of TEKYHOST opened consulting division specializing in IT, Linux and Open Source consulting as well as hosting and hosted infrastructure solutions for small and medium companies as well as enterprises. As part of our business we provide IT architecture and Hosting based on Open Source and Red Hat/SLES. TEKYHOST provides managed hosting from Data Centres located in Ontario Canada.
Our office is located at 7030 Woodbine Av. Suite 500. We operate from Tier 3 Data Centre with connectivity and collocation provided Cogent communications. Data Centres equipped with three tier physical challenge system and 24/7 monitoring. A state-of-the-art climate control system performs strict internal checks and controls to ensure highly resilient and redundant subsystems. Redundant power system is independent of the local power grid to ensure uninterrupted operation to all services. Data Centres also equipped with cutting edge fire detection and suppression systems which detects the earliest signs of potential risk.

Alexander Rabinovich started TEKYHOST in 2004 as IT wing of AB Royalnet inc. He started his career in 1964 working in Leningrad( St. Peterburg) Russia for Radio Aviation Enterprise. He was involved in development of avionics for MIG-21, IL-62 and TY-144(Anglo /French Concord analog ). From 1969 was also involved in engineering and research of navigation and surveillance radars and transmission of target data to command canters.
After Migrating to Canada in 1989 he was involved in R&D project sponsored by Canadian Government in design of life safety system for the Ukrainian Mi-8 Helicopters with Motor Sich company(Ukraine). He was working on meeting US MIL standard for Aviation and electronics, AS9100,ARINC, Do-254, DO-160G.
IN 1995 he open School of Engineering problem solving (Approved by Ontario Training and Adjustment Board, Transition program). Program was designed to Educate students on how to use software for practical technical problems solving in engineering.